Faeriely Odd Witches

Two of my favorite wild plants. The Daisy and Mullein. The mullein is hug this year. Daisies are always so happy and inviting. I'd love a yard ful of them!

Mullein is an herb of protection and purification that has a strong association with elemental Fire. (Thus its old name "Torches") Some practitioners dip the leaves in a liquid mixture of saltpeter and water, then hang them to dry. When tossed into a fire these blaze quite brightly. The entire flower stalk may be harvested and dried, and if this is done when its at the end of its cycle the head can be soaked in a tallow mixture so it may be carried as a burning torch. Such torches are perfect for Hallow's Eve. Wear Mullein to instill courage, or carry it in sachets for protection. Cunningham states the powdered leaves are known as "graveyard dust" and are acceptable to use when such is called for in old recipes.

Daisies are an herb of protection and their Invocatory is Freya. Modern practices include the growing of Daisies as an herb to further attract the Devas and the Fae. Grieve's "A Modern Herbal" suggests there may be an association between Daisies and a Dryad (a woodland nymph) named Belidis. Dryads are often associated with elemental Earth, and Daisies may be used ritually to help one commune with this element. Decorate your temple or home with Daisies for Midsummer's Eve. There is also a Magickal association with babies and newborn infants. The Daisy may be incorporated into baby blessings and Wiccanings, or used to bring protective Magick into the baby's sleeping area.

-From my favorite herb info site

2 Responses
  1. Unknown Says:

    This was interesting. I had never heard of Mullein before this post. Something to add to my herbal grimoire!

    We have tons of wild daisies growing around here, I love them.

    We actually had wild Marigolds turn up in our veggie garden this year, that was a nice surprise!

  2. I love mullien, it grew all over kansas when I was little, my dad used to call it hawkeye plant.. and I was pleased to find it growing all over our land here in missouri as well.. great post! ~ Mori~

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